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A design blog

  • Writer's pictureSummer Thompson

Fantasy Device, Object Day 1

Updated: Sep 14, 2018

During the first day of class we were given an opportunity to design a fantasy device and prototype it using materials found in the BTU Lab. Our team built the above prototype with the following materials:

  • White printer paper

  • Pink sequins

  • Silver pinballs

  • Lego’s

  • Jumper wires

My group designed a space, intended as a labyrinth/meditation space for individuals to wander and find peace in their daily lives.  This fictional space has guiding lights in the floor that the user could either follow or ignore, and pillar gurus around the edges of the space.  As the user explores and ponders their life, they have the option to approach each guru to seek specific advice on a topic or element that they may need guidance on. Our design emphasized the personal choices each of us must make to live a conscious and satisfying life. I think the design helped promote this by being an aesthetic space created for the purpose of self-care.

I was very satisfied with the results of this exercise because the final product came from many iterations and much creative brainstorming within our team.

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